Friday You Know I Wouldnt Trip


Friday (1995) Poster

Fri (1995)

Smokey: I know you lot don't smoke weed, I know this; merely I'm gonna become yous high today, 'cause information technology'due south Friday; you ain't got no job... and you own't got shit to do.

Craig Jones: Nosotros ain't got no sugar.

Smokey: No sugar? Damn. Y'all ain't never got two things that match. Either y'all got Kool-assist, no sugar. Peanut butter, no jelly. Ham, no burger. Daaamn.

Smokey: I got listen control over Deebo. He be similar "shut the fuck upwardly." I be tranquility. But when he leave, I exist talking again.

Smokey: Remember information technology ,Write information technology down, take a picture, I don't give a fuck.

Smokey: Weed is from the earth. God put this hither for me and you lot. Take advantage man, take advantage.

Old Lady: Are you lot prepared for Jehovah's render? 'Cause if you're non, we've got a pam...

[Craig slams the door in their faces]

Old Lady: Well fuck you. Half-dead motherfucker. Come up on, sis.

Smokey: Puff puff, requite. Puff puff, give. You fuckin' up the rotation.

[Mr. Jones catches Craig with a handgun]

Mr. Jones: What'due south that for?

Craig Jones: Protection.

Mr. Jones: Protection? Protection from who?

Craig Jones: Me and Smokey... I got to walk Smokey downward to his business firm.

Mr. Jones: Aw, man. Your mother and I never woulda moved to this neighborhood if we had known you need a gun to walk down the damn street.

Craig Jones: You know how it is around here.

Mr. Jones: Oh, no, son, that's non the mode it is. You lot kids today are nothin' only punks. Sissified. So quick to pick upwardly a gun. You're scared to take an ass-whippin'.

[he holds up his fists]

Mr. Jones: This is what makes you a human being. When I was growin' upwardly, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some, but you live. You alive to fight another day. And yous call back you're a human with that gun in your hand, don't you?

Craig Jones: I'm a human without it.

Mr. Jones: Put the gun down.

[Craig does so]

Mr. Jones: C'mon, put up your dukes.

[Craig raises his fists]

Mr. Jones: At present you're a homo. Your uncle picked upward a gun too. He had to find out the difficult mode. 22 years former. Yous got a choice. This is all you need. All right?

[Pastor Clever drives upwards every bit Smokey rolls a joint]

Craig Jones: Put that out, man, here come the pastor.

Smokey: For what? Probably smoke bud too.

Pastor Clever: How ya doin', Blood brother Craig? How ya doin'?

Craig Jones: I'chiliad all right.

Pastor Clever: Um, say, um, past take a chance is Sister Jones in?

Craig Jones: Nope. Neither is Blood brother Jones. They both at piece of work.

Smokey: [under his jiff] Where yo' ass need to be, nigga.

[he starts rolling again]

Pastor Clever: 'Scuse me, blood brother. What we call drugs at 74th Street Baptist Church, nosotros call a sinny-siiiiin-sin.

Smokey: [singing] Well, 'round here, between Normandie and Western, we call this here a little twenty-twen-twen... niggaaaaa!

Pastor Clever: Why don't ya just requite me a little flake for my cataract.

Smokey: You didn't put in on this, man.

Pastor Clever: It's amend to give than receive, my brother.

Craig Jones: [looking across the street at Mrs. Parker] Look, look, look, she bendin' over!

Pastor Clever: Lord have mercy! The Lord is my shepherd, he know what I want. Alibi me, brother.

[he walks abroad]

Pastor Clever: Mrs. Parker! Mrs. Parker! Can I talk to you for a infinitesimal, Mrs. Parker?

Smokey: [to Craig] Told ya. The weed be lettin' ya know... evil lurks.

Smokey: Older the drupe, the sweeter the juice.

Craig Jones: Human, it's the blacker the drupe, the sweeter the juice.

Smokey: Yes, well she blacker than a motherfucker likewise.

Smokey: [afterward Craig knocks out Deebo] Yous got knocked the fuck out, man! Give me my goddamn coin...

[Smokey takes $200 from a knocked-out Deebo]

Smokey: Payback'due south a motherfucker, ain't it? Nigga!

[walking abroad]

Smokey: Pw! Prisoner of war, Pow, Prisoner of war!

Reddish: [punches Deebo as he'due south getting upward and takes chain back] My grandmama gave me this chain!

Ezal: [slowly walks to Deebo] Deebo? DEEBO! Human, you shoulda been bobbin' and weavin'! Look 'it at ya! Become UP! Since you ain't, maybe I'll have these shoes!

[struggling to have Deebo'southward shoe off]

Ezal: Big... foot... motherfucker, you can *have* ya knife! 'Cause I *STEAL*, I don't *KILL*.

Mrs. Jones: Craig, you know what your problem is? You have no game.

Craig Jones: What practice yous know about game? I got ALL the game.

Mrs. Jones: At present your father... he got game.

Mr. Jones: [coming out of the bathroom] Don't nobody get in the bathroom for about 35, 45 minutes. Somebody open a window.

Craig Jones: You lot call that game?

Mr. Jones: Every fourth dimension I come in the kitchen, you in the kitchen. In the goddamn refrigerator. Eatin' up all the nutrient. All the chitlins... All the pigs' feet... All the collard greens... All the hog maws. I wanna eat them chitlins... I like pigs' feet.

Smokey: [at the water ice cream truck] What's up, Big Perm?... I mean Big Worm?

Smokey: Why you not goin' to piece of work?

Craig Jones: I got fired yesterday.

Smokey: No shit? I thought you had the twenty-four hour period off yesterday.

Craig Jones: I did. I went in to pick up my check, came home, my supervisor chosen me about four o'clock, told me he got me on tape stealing boxes.

Smokey: The fuck you stealing boxes for? What you lot trying to build, a clubhouse?

Craig Jones: Hell, no, ain't got me on tape. Just they said they did. Fired me on the spot. Talkin' virtually pressin' charges.

Smokey: Goddamn! You lot've got to be 1 stupid motherfucker to get fired on your day off.

Ezal: Smokey, yous know I own't the smartest man in the world, merely, from back hither it look like you're takin a shit.

Joi: [Mrs. Jones hand Craig telephone] Hello?

Joi: Who the fuck you get to the bear witness with last dark?

Craig Jones: I didn't become to the show last night.

Joi: Yous ain't got to lie Craig, you ain't got to prevarication...

Craig Jones: Own't nobody lyin, I didn't go to the show terminal dark.

Joi: Yes yous did! Cause my sister-in-police's baby cousin Tracy, she told me she went to the evidence terminal dark, and she saw you there all Hugged Up wit some Tramp. Now tell me who she was.

Craig Jones: Yo sister-in-police force'due south infant cousin Tracy is a goddamn...

[Craig realzes his mom is still in the room]

Craig Jones: ... Yea, she a, she a liar. She ain't see me at no movies hugged up wit nobody.

Joi: Mmm-hmm yeah,yeah, well let me tell you lot what. You just tell the bitch, whoeva she is, when I catch her, Imma beat her donkey!

Craig Jones: For most people, Friday'due south but the day before the weekend. But after this Fri, the neighborhood'll never be the same.

[Smokey taking a crap outside]

Smokey: You better non tell anybody man.

Ezal: Man, I'chiliad not, human being.

Smokey: Go along it on the downwardly low.

Ezal: Alright brother. Damn.

[Looks effectually and yells]

Ezal: Hey, Smokey back here taking a shit!

Smokey: Ezal!

Ezal: Well, I won't tell anybody else.

Smokey: [after breaking into Stanley'due south house] Nosotros got most two hundred dollars.

Deebo: *I* got about 2 hundred dollars.

Felisha: I need to borrow your automobile correct quick.

Smokey: What kinda shit is that? Nearly people wanna infringe carbohydrate. Or even ketchup. You wanna borrow my car? Hell naw! Go the hell on.

Felisha: Well, allow me borrow a articulation.

Smokey: You need to borrow a job. With yo' broke ass. Always trying to smoke up somebody's shit. Get the hell on, Felisha.

Felisha: I'ma retrieve that.

Smokey: Remember information technology. Write it downwardly, have a motion-picture show, I don't give a fuck!

Felisha: Tsk.

[realizes she can try her luck with Craig]

Felisha: Craig.

Craig Jones: [not bothering to look at her] Good day, Felisha.

Felisha: Damn. Y'all stingy.

[she leaves]

Red: [after having his necklace snatched past Deebo] Hey, man, why didn't y'all help me!

Smokey: [slouching in his chair] Man, I'm high.

Ruby-red: Homo, that'south fucked upward. If information technology was y'all, I would've helped y'all.

Craig Jones: What about the time he tried to asphyxiate me in Fume'south backyard?

Red: [pause, thinks about it] Oh, that was different.

Ezal: Aw, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. God. Oh, I'm injure. Oh, my neck, my back, my neck and my back. Oh, I desire $150,000, but nosotros can settle out of court right now for twenty bucks.

Janitor: Human being, get your punk donkey upwards. It ain't even moisture over here. Damn.

Smokey: Why don't you tell your daddy to comb his damn hair, look like some spiders is having a meetin' on his head.

Big Worm: Playing with my coin is like playing with my emotions, Smokey.

Red: My pops told me to enquire for my bike back... y'all know I wouldn't trip.

Smokey: [sees Big Worm drives away] Florida Evans-looking motherfucker.

Mrs. Jones: [looks at Ms. Parker in a disgusted fashion and says to herself] Look at her... She know she ought to be ashamed of herself comin' out here lookin' like that.

[Yells and Waves]

Mrs. Jones: HEY GIRL!

Mrs. Parker: [Waves back] Hey, how you doin'?

Mrs. Jones: Fine I'm on my way to work.

Mrs. Parker: Call me when you go domicile...

Mrs. Jones: [fakely] OK...

Dana Jones: [after Craig punches Deebo out] He thinks he's the Mack...

Mr. Jones: Hehe. Macaroni.

Smokey: Man that fool just playin' man, I own't trippin.

Craig Jones: That's yo problem. Aint' nobody playin' but y'all. You walk up and downward the street all day playin'. He aint' playin' yous think he playin' 'bout his money? He know where my momma stay know where y'all momma stay. He say he had a gun when you seen him right?

Smokey: Yep

Craig Jones: Well proper noun one person in the hood that play similar that!

Ezal: Smoke, buy me a 40oz for my birthday.

Smokey: Today your birthday?

Ezal: What's today?

Smokey: I've been smokin' ever since I was two.

Big Worm: [as Craig halluncinates seeing Large Worm'southward head in the kitchen cabinet] You smoking my weed too? I gonna impale you and Smokey because you playin' with my emotions...

[equally Craig slams his chiffonier door shut]

Big Worm: You lot heard? Hey!

Mr. Jones: [Mr. Jones snoring and talking in his sleep] Give me the two piece special. Lots of hotsauce and all the fries you can give me. Cheers, give thanks you.

[concluding lines]

Smokey: [on phone] Yep, I got your money. And I don't appreciate you sendin' your punk ass, busta ass, Jheri curl wearin' ass friends come down here to shoot at me and my homie. They'd like to got dealt with.

Big Worm: Get-go of all, don't be callin' here similar you some straight up "Thou", 'cause I'll cut your balls off and hand 'em to you lot, partner. I had to warn yous too many times about my coin, Smokey. Yous see, it's the principle of the whole thing. There's principalities in this.

Smokey: Aye, well... I got your coin anyways. And you sell that shit yourself side by side time, 'cause I'one thousand goin' to rehab. I'm through with this shit.

[hangs up, then lights a articulation]

Smokey: [to the viewer] I was simply bullshittin'! And you know this, human being!

Craig Jones: I ain't trying to be no dog-catcher!

Mr. Jones: Why not?

Craig Jones: I don't fifty-fifty like dogs!

Mr. Jones: That's the dazzler of it! I take hold of a dog, and I choke him, and I kicking the shit out of him! All day long, my pes up a canis familiaris's donkey! Merely bang-blindside-bang up his ass! That's my pleasance.

Craig Jones: No, thanks.

Mr. Jones: Well, I'll tell you one thing: round hither, y'all go to piece of work, you get to school. First of the month, the hire is due. If you ain't got nothin' on the tabular array, you lot ain't gotta worry about catchin' a dog - Yous gotta worry about a dog catchin' YOUR donkey!

Mr. Jones: [in toilet] Male child, bring your ass up in hither. What y'all talkin' 'tour, you wait 'til I come out? I smelled your shit for 22 years, now you tin can smell mine for five minutes.

Deebo: What's up, Stanley?

[No response]

Deebo: Well, fuck you, and then, punk.

Rita: Ooooh, What'south upwards?

Smokey: Not a damn thannng!

Smokey: [about Ruddy] He gonna cry in the car.

Smokey: [tearing through Craig'due south open bedroom window pall] Break yo' self Fool!

Craig Jones: Man, look what you did to my mantle. You ameliorate watch that window you climbing in fool 'fo y'all become blasted on.

Smokey: With what? You lot ain't got nothin' man.

Craig Jones: With this!

[pointing his Glock at Smokey]

Smokey: Man, Where you get that from?

Craig Jones: Yo Mama.

Smokey: Fuck you lot!

Craig Jones: Fuck you lot! He he he


Smokey: Come up on outside human being, and terminate playing.

Craig Jones: Gotta get dressed.

Smokey: Hurry Upwardly!

Craig Jones: Don't tell me to bustle upward!

Smokey: [calling Big Worm on his phone] Hey um, did somebody... page Smokey?

Big Worm: [v.o. on phone] Don't play impaired nigger, you know who the is! Yous got my coin?

Smokey: I ain't got information technology, but I'm gonna get it.

[Large Worm hangs upwardly]

Craig Jones: What happened?

Smokey: Man he just hung upwards... I think we better stay in the firm.

Smokey: You lot know Craig? Craig got fired!

Large Worm: What the fuck that gotta practice wit me?

Craig Jones: Infant y'all got some money?

Joi: Some huh! Umm... Nigga how much you need?

Craig Jones: Nigh $200.

Joi: mm... I judge... What you lot gon give me?

Felisha: Craig

[clap clap]

Felisha: , Craig

Craig Jones: What!

Felisha: Tin can I borrow y'all VCR? I need to dub a record...

Craig Jones: Hell Naw

[Walkin abroad]

Felisha: Its "The Mack"!

Joi: Um... who the fuck is that bitch... fuck u mothafucka... u think u slick... gon come ova here and enquire me for some coin... well enquire that bitch for some money

[scurrrrrrrrr goes the car]

Craig Jones: [Pushes Deebo] Deebo human being you trippin!

Deebo: [Evil Look] Whatchu say piddling nigga

Craig Jones: Homo thats a female!

Deebo: Shut your little punk ass up, nigga before I drop you like I did this bowwow!

[Takes out long pocketknife]

Craig Jones: I own't fifty-fifty tryin to fight you Deebo.

Deebo: [Deebo presumes to give evil look then smiles] Ezal!

[Gives knife to Ezal]

Deebo: you own't gonna fight me because your zip but a BITCH Besides!

[Pushes Craig]

Craig Jones: [Craig pulls out his gun]

Craig Jones: What I'1000 trippin on, is how you gonna sell bud, when you smoke it?

Smokey: I don't know. That's my only problem.

Craig Jones: Big Worm gonna fuck you lot upward.

Smokey: Large Worm ain't gonna do a goddamn matter, man.

Craig Jones: All right...

Deebo: Come up on Smoke, Stanley left his window open up.

Smokey: I can't I'one thousand on probation.

Deebo: Stop being a bitch and come on.

Joann: Damn, Smoke, don't exist banging on the door like you the damn po-lice.

Mr. Jones: Now when I went to bed last night. Didn't I tell you take out the trash?

Craig Jones: Yeah.

Mr. Jones: So, why didn't you practice information technology?

Craig Jones: I cruel asleep.

Mr. Jones: I wish you lot was sleeping right now, I knock you upside your head with a left hook brand your ass wake upward and take out that damn trash.

Craig Jones: [Craig goes to the trash tin can to dump out his cereal]

Mr. Jones: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What are yous doing?

Craig Jones: I'thousand throwing this away. We ain't even got no milk.

Mr. Jones: Y'all better put some water on that damn shit!

Craig Jones: Alright, I'll eat it.

Mr. Jones: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Take the garbage out forepart son!

Mrs. Jones: [Talking to Dana] Y'all come across what I said to tell us earlier you leave the house.

Debbie: [Talking to Felisha] Look at your face! Look at your confront!

Felisha: It'due south going to be okay.

Debbie: No, look at your face up.

Debbie: [Talking to Deebo] Who do you lot think y'all are?

Deebo: Girl what are you talking about?

Debbie: Y'all know what I'm talking nearly, punk. You lot hit my sister similar if she was a fucking human being.

Deebo: She had no business organization going through my pants when I was asleep!

Debbie: My sis don't need to steal naught from your broke ass all correct.

Deebo: It's best for you to take your ass abode.

Debbie: I'G Non SCARED OF YOU! All these niggas around here might exist scared of you, but I'g non.

Deebo: [Throws the bike and stands up] YOU TAKE YOUR Ass HOME!

Debbie: NO, FUCK You lot! You're lucky I'grand not a man, otherwise I kicking yo ass myself.

Deebo: [Slaps Debbie in the face] SHUT UP!

Craig Jones: I felt sorry for Smokey, 'cause peer pressure is a motherfucker.

Craig Jones: Yous better get your donkey off your shoulders and make that coin.

Smokey: [after smoking marijuana in the car with Hector and his friend, he finds himself running down the street in his white A-shirt and white briefs] The next thing I know, I was runnin' down the street in my damn drawers!

Joann: Smokey, I need y'all to go to the shop and become me some cigarettes

Smokey: Give me the money

Joann: [she hands smokey one dollar]

Smokey: Wait, Wait, Expect, Await a minute, what's this? This ain't enough

Joann: Go far enough

Smokey: DAMN!

Hector: [while smoking with Smokey] Hey, hey, hey! Take it easy, holmes!

Smokey: I know what I'm doin', man! Shut the fuck up!

[Hector and his friend laugh at him]

Smokey: [talking nigh Mrs. Parker] Damn, I'd knock the dust off that pussy!

[Big Worm arrived at Craig's house and Smokey comes to him. The license plate says "Big Worm"]

Smokey: What's up, Big Worm?

Big Worm: How much y'all got left?

Smokey: Homo, I got to lot.

Large Worm: You lot still own't sold that weed, Smokey?

Smokey: Man, I'm trying to, Worm. Niggas are bankrupt these days.

Large Worm: I don't think y'all're applying yourself, Smokey.


Big Worm: You're smoking my shit?

Smokey: Hell, no. Fuck with your shit? Hell, no.

Large Worm: You're smoking my shit?

Smokey: Man, why would I do some shit like that?

Big Worm: I don't want accept to fuck you upwards, Smokey. Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions.

Smokey: Worm! You're the last brother money, I'd mess with. I'll steal from my mama earlier I mess with your shit. Now y'all know this, man.

Big Worm: We'll see.

[begins to leaves and drives abroad from Smokey]

Craig Jones: Man what took y'all and so long?

Deebo: This foo was scared man, he didn't even...

Stanley: [Interrupts Deebo and talks very irritated to Craig, Smokey and Deebo] Look fellas. I've asked you nicely, but now I'm getting very irritated. For the concluding time, would you lot stay off of my FRIGGING GRASS, Please!

Smokey: Al'right human being, sorry.

Stanley: Thank you.

[Smokey gives Stanley the middle finger and Stanley falls]

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